Unveiling Emotions: A Visual Journey through Art Therapy Sessions.
Discover the empowering impact of art therapy workshops, where emotions, thoughts, and healing converge through expressive sessions. Immerse yourself in profound artistic expressions that unveil inner narratives, fostering self-discovery, emotional release, and personal growth on the canvas of your life journey. Join us in exploring the transformative potential of art therapy sessions today.
This is a 1:1 Mentoring!
By buying this product you are scheduling 2 sessions with me.
In the first session, I will ask some questions about you, your life, your goals, and your expectations. This will give me the information I need to plan your mentoring considering that every person is different and has their own time to process the information that I will give and to start the healing.
This Mentoring is for YOU if:
You feel depressed, lost in your path, unmotivated;
You want to bring Abundance in your life;
You want to feel Joy and Love in every step you take;
You want to reconnect with your Higher Self;
You want to be more Creative;
You are passionate about Art and/or Spirituality.
Please leave your e-mail during the checkout of this product.
You will receive a calendar to schedule the first session and we will schedule together the second one.
Sessions will be made by Zoom and have a duration of 1 hour.